Working With ‘Potent Potables’? Hixson Has You Covered!

In Friday’s post, we mentioned Hixson’s experience in the design and engineering of dairy facilities. But milk isn’t the only beverage type we design! From juice to soft drinks and alcohol to nutraceuticals and plant-based beverages, Hixson’s beverage facility design and engineering capabilities have been honed throughout our more than 70 years in business. Along the way, some of the world’s best-known brands have selected Hixson for assistance with product launches, new packaging formats, capacity increases and more. Whether working with shelf-stable, Extended Shelf Life (ESL), High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE) and other applications, Hixson has the knowledge and experience needed for success. Ask for more information about our beverage design and engineering capabilities today!


Plant-Based Proteins: Success Grows With Hixson

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