Great Place to Work: Management’s Actions Match Its Words

Recently, Hixson announced that we have been named as a Great Place to Work® by the Great Place to Work Institute. This award was received based on the input on a confidential survey of Hixson’s 130 associates. 

In the survey, 99% of Hixson’s associates said that “management’s actions match its words.”

That our associates overwhelming agree that Hixson’s management team matches words to deeds is not surprising. In reality, doing so is a fundamental part of who we are as a firm, one which is based on a management by values philosophy.  This philosophy provides a compass for how all Hixson associates, should interact with each other, our clients, and the community at large. By staying true to this philosophy, we ‘walk the walk.’

Click to learn more about Hixson as a Great Place to Work or to join our team!


Great Place to Work: Delivering Excellent Customer Service

Great Place To Work: People Care About Each Other Here


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