Partners in Education: 2023-2024

School’s in session and the leaves are beginning to fall: These are the signs that it’s time once again for Hixson to embark on a number of our annual programs with St. Francis de Sales, our Partner in Education school.  At St. Francis de Sales, Hixson’s associates volunteer on multiple initiatives designed to foster learning for students in grades pre-k through eight, including:

  • Traveling Bears, which provides each first-grade student with a special bear that “sends” postcards from its journeys throughout the year.
  • Pen Pals, a program designed to improve writing and reading skills by pairing second-grade students with a pen pal from Hixson. Throughout the year, the students write and send letters to their Hixson pen pal and receive letters in return.
  • Junior Achievement. Hixson associates volunteer in third through eighth-grade classrooms to teach J.A. lesson plans on topics such as financial literacy, career readiness, and the basics of a free-market economy.

The Hixson Partners in Education program is just one way our associates help realize our commitment to provide service to the communities in which we live and work. Discover more here!


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