Three Questions with…Matthew Spangler

This year Matthew Spangler celebrates his 20th work anniversary here with us at Hixson! In celebration of this milestone, we asked Matthew, who was promoted to Manager of Architecture earlier this spring, to give us a little more insight about him:

How has Hixson helped you in your career development?

  • Hixson’s multidisciplinary teams teach architects, engineers, and interior designers about the entire building at once – encompassing building aesthetics, function, and systems in an integrated package. Working in this unique environment helps foster a more comprehensive understanding of our role in crafting the built environment.

What energizes you at work?

  • Two things. First, the people: I work with some of the most intelligent, talented people I’ve ever met – keeping pace with them keeps you on your toes, in a very positive way.  And second, the challenges: The unscripted moments in a project that force you to rely on problem solving, creativity, and a shared set of values to find the best solution.

What did you learn working in your teens that you’ve carried with you to this day?

  • Patience, Understanding, and Objectivity. All of these lessons were reinforced while umpiring youth and high school baseball games in my teens.  Each is important in taking an empathic approach to those we deal with while preserving a level of fairness and equality in the way we regard other people and the world around us.

Congratulations on your service anniversary, Matthew!


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