Three Questions with…Roselia Harris

Earlier this year, Roselia Harris, NCIDQ, LEED AP ID&C, was promoted to Manager of Hixson’s Interior Design department. To provide a deeper look into her leadership journey, we asked her some questions about her experiences and philosophy:

  1. What is your favorite part of your day-to-day work?

I would have to say the favorite part of my day is working with my team members, particularly when we are collaborating on great design solutions for our clients. 

  1. What’s one thing that surprised you about working at Hixson?

That everything that I was told in my initial interview was absolutely 100% true! This includes things like our continuous employment policy, and that Hixson is a people-centric firm. You hear these things all the time, but it’s not always true…except at Hixson they really ARE! Also, we actually get bonuses here: I’ve worked places where they promise bonuses only to give you a turkey. 

  1. What’s your personal motto?

My motto is if you encounter a problem or issue…be a part of the solution or be ok with the way it is, no complaints!


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