When picking the right site and developing a new facility, it is important to consider a host of physical and topographical issues that can impact your organization now, and well into the future. Hixson’s Site Selection and Master Planning services can help. Our professional teams of architects, engineers, and project managers assist clients in examining their options with a critical eye, and then work with them to make sure the facility is able to be modified and grow as their needs change.
Site Selection
Site selection often has a substantial impact on construction cost and the long-term flexibility of a facility. Hixson’s Site Selection Consulting Services provide detailed analysis of potential sites, covering multiple angles. Through these services, Hixson helps our clients make informed decisions, based on both current needs, and potential future growth, to find the optimal site. Specific services include:
- Site criteria development, including acreage, utility requirements, building size and layout, and neighborhood compatibility issues.
- Site suitability evaluation, including evaluation of terrain, utilities, road and rail access, and expandability/flexibility.
- Environmental site evaluation, including phase 1 and phase 2 assessments and local environmental requirements investigations.
- Public utility and infrastructure costs and availability assessment, including electricity, natural gas, water and wastewater treatment.
- Permit requirements investigation.
- Building code analysis.
- Seismic analysis.

Master Planning
Through Hixson’s Master Planning Services, our in-house, integrated team of knowledgeable architects and engineers work closely with your team to identify the assets and operational requirements necessary to meet your company’s near- and long-term goals. The result is a master plan that meets your needs today and enables you to aim for the future, while being flexible enough to allow for updates as budgets, priorities, and other factors change. Specific services include:
- “Visioning” sessions with senior leadership to achieve clarity of goals and objectives
- Manufacturing capacity analysis, planning, and maximization
- Facility infrastructure assessments
- Strategic long-term campus master planning
- Greenfield site assessments and feasibility planning
- Phasing plans
- Cost estimates