Three Questions With…Greg Hammond

We couldn’t let the month of June slip by without acknowledging Greg Hammond’s 21st service anniversary here at Hixson! Greg, who began with our firm as a co-op in our Architecture department, is now our President and CEO. In celebration of Greg’s anniversary, we asked him to give us a little more insight about him, and discovered what NOT to serve him at our next Hixson holiday dinner:

I believe a key differentiator for Hixson is our management by values philosophy.  Many other companies have values, but it is how we prioritize and live our values that makes us different.  We have a culture of putting our associates first and I am proud to lead by our set of values each day.

  • What is your favorite part of your day-to-day work?

My favorite part of my day-to-day work is engaging with other associates.  I have been at Hixson for 21 years and have built very strong relationships in that time.  Not to mention new associates join Hixson on a frequent basis, which provides the opportunity to continue to establish strong relationships moving forward.  We have a fantastic group of people at Hixson that makes it very enjoyable to come to work everyday and live the culture that we all cherish so much.

  • What is your least favorite food and why?

My least favorite food is Borscht.  Borscht is a Ukrainian soup made with Beets.  My mother and grandparents immigrated to the United States after World War II, and I was able to experience many of their traditions and recipes. I love perogies…dislike borscht.

Congratulations on your anniversary, Greg!


Three Questions With…Jim Schreyer

Three Questions With…Chris Allen


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